Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Last Stop

I spent this morning taking one last walk on a beach north of Charleston.  There was no sunrise to view as the clouds covered the horizon.  The beach was one where we had taken our children when they were growing up.  As I walked, I felt as if I were walking in their foot prints.  I remembered their laughter as they splashed in the waves and built castles in the sand.  Ah, there is something mystical about the ocean.

I spent the rest of the day traveling up the coast. We stopped along the way in a few coastal towns.  None of these places compared to Charleston.  Yes my heart belongs to Charleston.  I am already planning another trip in my mind.  And now I am getting closer to home and closer to seeing Laney.  My son assured me she is fine but, I miss her and can't wait for her greeting. 

Tomorrow we will be traveling through the mountains and I am hoping that the leaves have begun to change colors.  It would make a perfect ending to our trip before reality sets in.

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