Valentine's Day will be here very soon and the thought of being loved by someone is a wonderful feeling. I never thought much about Valentine's Day until three years ago. For me it was just a silly day that children celebrated and I didn't think much about it. An event in 2011 changed those feelings and was the beginning of changing my life. I knew that I was always going to think some unpleasant thoughts about the day every year after 2011. It was going to be a trigger for some unpleasant thoughts and I had to stop it. Nine months later an introduction to Louise Hay, other inspirational writers, and God's love for me, helped me to change my thoughts about Valentine's Day. They call it the law of attraction.
The mind is a powerful thing. We live inside our minds and all we do in life begins in our mind. Some people are trapped by their own mind, because they listen to all the reasons why they think something is not possible, or something is bad. They are listening to their own dialogue of why they can't have the life they want. Our perceptions of what we think daily about how we should live are based on what we have learned from our parents, teachers, and the experiences of living. A lot of the dialogue we hear in our minds is negative and it seems so easy to listen to the negative. If we can live by these negative thoughts then why aren't we living by positive thoughts. We don't have to listen to the past or negative dialogue if we want to be happy and have our dreams come true. We have to start learning a new dialogue. We have to rewrite our life script. Empty you mind of all the awful things you have heard. You have to want to change yourself and it does require effort on your part. It does not just magically happen. It starts with changing your daily routine and your thoughts about what you want. We all have dreams and the people that are living those dreams told themselves I am going to make them come true and started to take the steps to achieve them. It may have meant they had to break their normal routine and feel a little scared, but they were moving towards fulfilling their dreams. We sometimes feel real uncomfortable when we start breaking our routine and doing things differently. The reward of the change can be the greatest thing that happens to you. It helps you know you are worthy and gives you confidence to love yourself.
We need to keep moving forward and not listen to those who are telling us we can't live our dreams. It is our dream and we are the one who has to do the work to make it come true. The Nay Sayers and those who criticize us are stuck in their own mind. We need to own our own thoughts not theirs. It is our life and not theirs.
I have been studying for several years to change the dialogue that played in my mind. It is not an easy fix when you have grown up hearing you can not have this or that, and you are not worthy of having the pleasures you want. I was hearing that dialogue a lot and yet I had accomplished things in my life, but I never felt really happy. I had rebelled against a lot of what I was taught as a child. I had to realize that it was all right for me to have my happy dialogue.
I had managed to plant positive seeds of encouragement into my children and have reminded them to never say I can't. I did not want them to hear the negative things I heard. It has worked. They are living their dreams.
I finally have reached a place now in my mind where my happy script is running. It has taken daily work to find a bright spot in every situation, but the reward has been the greatest uplifting thing I have every done. I will keep this dialogue of happiness going, because the mind believes what we want it too.
I had to work at changing my own thoughts about myself. The dialogue I had about myself was not what I wanted and I have worked everyday to change it. I am now starting to reap the benefits of devotion to the daily gratitude and filling my mind with positive thoughts about myself. They are over ridding all the bad things I heard. It is a great feeling of freedom when you finally can grasp that the bad things that played in your mind belonged to someone else. They do not belong to me. I am who I want to be. I am the only one that gets to define who I am. I am worthy of anything that I want in life.
This blog has been one of the things that I stepped out of my comfort zone to do. I trusted myself to publish some intimate parts of my life to the public. I hope you can trust yourself to have the power to have everything you dream about.
I will share some uplifting gratitude quotes over this year and I hope they will help people stop listening to the negative dialogue that they play inside their mind. You have the power to create your own happy thoughts. Start by smiling at someone. It is a powerful gift that God gave you and will bring many smiles back to you. It helps shift your thoughts to happy ones.
I tell you later how Valentines Day has become an important day in my life
Life Is beautiful !!
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