Friday, April 19, 2013

Being Happy

Spring has really bloomed and the April showers have graced us. Everything outside is turning a rich green color and splashes of beautiful colors are popping up everywhere. Spring always reminds me of a renewal of life.  It is so refreshing and sends happy signals to the brain. I have been admiring the beauty of nature this week as I recuperate. I am hoping that in this coming week I can get outside and enjoy walking, as this is my favorite season.

I have spent my down time this week reading and watching some documentaries on happiness. Being happy is something that everyone wants. It does not cost any money, but it does require you to change your thinking. It is achievable by changing your thoughts and the practice of gratitude.  I have been practicing the act of gratitude over the last couple of years.  I have had some good teachers who told me to start my day with a list of what I am grateful for. I am grateful that I wake up with my husband beside me, that I have wonderful children, Laney, my home, and everyday to enjoy life.  This has become a habit for me and is always followed with a smile.  I no longer feel that I have to wait for happiness, because I choose to be happy.

My husband has made a habit of leaving a love note on my laptop keyboard every morning which makes me smile.  He waits for me to call and let him know that I found it. These small changes have made us feel happy.  Also, walking and exercise helps release dopamine in the brain which makes us feel happy.

We still have days when things don't exactly go right and we may have feelings of sadness or stress, but they only have to be temporary.  We can also choose to walk away from people or places that make us feel uncomfortable.  We are not responsible for how other people act, but we can shift our thoughts and change our life to be happy.

A documentary showed people living in huts in remote areas of the world with no modern conveniences and they were happy.  Studies show that material things nor money make you happy. It is your thoughts and being grateful you are alive that make you happy.  You have the control to make everyday happy and no one can take it away.  

Life is beautiful !!


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