Monday, July 20, 2020

Covid-19 and Masks

It has been since April 3rd 2020 that I last posted.  This has been some year and we are grateful for each day that passes and we remain healthy.  Hope that sooner than later this covid-19 will be behind us.  My time on the computer is limited these days as my husband has been working from home since march.  My laptop died a long time ago.  I had laid this blog to rest last year but I feel the need to document something about this crazy year.

Are we in the twilight zone or some dream that will end after the elections.  I ask myself that quite often now as the news media just won't stop with the fear factor and bashing of the political parties.  I think we all get it that this pandemic is not going anywhere soon.   We are trying to adjust to living life with social distancing and a mask.  The initial shock and fear of the virus has settled down.  As we have learned more about it, I no longer fear it's presence but I am still following the CDC guidelines.  I have an assortment of masks and wear them whenever out in the stores or in close proximity of others.  I stopped all that showering and changing clothes when coming home from grocery shopping.   I still wash my hands and decided to save my skin on my body from over disinfectant as my hands are dry enough from hand sanitizer and soap.  I don't want to look like a dried prune if I survive the pandemic.

The hardest part has been not socializing with friends.  I haven't been out for a luncheon or get together since January.  I miss that eye to eye contact and the smiles on people's faces that are now hiding behind a mask.  Facetime and Zoom are nice but they still aren't like human contact.  I let my guard down and have embraced seeing my grandchildren occasionally as they have been at home for four months.  Sitting on the driveway in the evenings and taking walks allows us to say hi to some neighbors and catch up on what's happening.  Everybody seems so excited when someone speaks to them.  Let's face it we were meant to be social.   Thank goodness I have my husband at home for that release of oxytocin we need from hugging.  I feel sad for people that are alone during this time.

I try to visit my dad a couple times a week as we stay social distance from each other.  Thank goodness for summer as we are able to sit outside and visit.  If we are inside his home I always have the mask on.  His pleasure comes from seeing his neighbors outside and talking to them.  He also takes a ride in his car periodically just for a change in scenery.  He still does not go into the stores as he is in that vulnerable age group at 90.

I pray every night that those who are on ventilators will survive and people will start getting on board with wearing a mask.  It has been confusing about the wearing of mask but on the side of precaution and for the love of others I will wear a mask.  I feel it is just an act of kindness and hoping it will slow the virus from spreading.  We can be strong when we all join together.  Sending out loving prayers for everyone.💖

Life is beautiful!!

